Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth Whitening is a process that helps brighten and whiten discolored, stained, or dull teeth. It can be done at home with over-the-counter products or professional treatments from a dental clinic. Teeth whitening can help give you a brighter, whiter smile and can make your teeth appear straighter, healthier, and more evenly colored.

Why To Choose Spiritwood Dental Clinic?

At Spiritwood Dental Clinic we offer two main types of Teeth Whitening treatments – professional in-clinic sessions, and take-home kits with customised trays for self-administered treatment. Both options work to restore the natural white colour of your teeth, but the end results vary depending on each individual’s teeth structure and staining Pigment.

Teeth Whitening

In an in-clinic session our experienced dentists apply a specialized whitening gel to the surface of your teeth using advanced techniques to ensure optimal results. They also provide advice on aftercare as well as post treatment maintenance to prolong the effects of the procedure. This type of whitening works quickly and effectively for severe cases of discoloration with long lasting results.

For those who prefer to whiten their teeth from the comfort of their own home we offer customised trays which fit inside your mouth like a mouthguard and are filled with special whitening gel formulated by our dentists. The trays are worn during sleep so that they remain in place while you’re asleep while still allowing you to move your lips naturally during conversation or eating. This method offers great results after multiple applications over time, but is best used for milder levels of discoloration or surface stains as opposed to deep intrinsic stains.

At Spiritwood Dental Clinic we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile regardless of age, gender or background – this is why we strive to provide our clients with effective yet affordable solutions that meet their needs without compromising on quality or safety standards. We also understand every person is unique and has different requirements when it comes to their oral health care which is why we customize our approach accordingly – tailoring treatments to suit specific needs and lifestyle habits so you get optimum outcomes that last for years to come! Finally, all our products undergo rigorous testing before entering the market ensuring you get only the very best in terms of quality and reliability from us!

What Set us Apart?

No matter if you want quick fixes for special occasions or longer lasting results for everyday use – Spiritwood Dental Clinic has got you covered! Our team consists of highly qualified professionals providing safe & reliable services tailored specifically for individuals looking for brighter smiles in no time! With us on your side you’ll be sure to achieve the perfect shade in no time – just book an appointment today and find out what makes us one of the leading dental clinics when it comes to Teeth Whitening!

Get the smile you've always wanted!

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.