Dental X-Rays

Dental X-Rays

Dental X-Rays are an important element of a comprehensive dental exam and can provide vital information about your oral health. They help to detect cavities, identify bone loss, check the position of developing teeth and more. X-Rays are also used to evaluate existing restorations, such as crowns and bridges. Spiritwood Dental Clinic has been known for its excellent treatments of dental x-rays.

Why To Choose Spiritwood Dental Clinic?

At Spiritwood Dental Clinic, we use state-of-the-art digital radiography to perform dental x-rays. This technology is safe, accurate and reliable for diagnosis of your oral health conditions. Digital x-rays produce images that are clearer than traditional film radiographs, allowing us to make more accurate diagnoses with less exposure to radiation.

dental x rays

In addition to the diagnostic benefits of digital radiography, there are other advantages as well. For example, the images taken in this way can be transmitted electronically to other healthcare professionals or insurance companies if needed. This means that you won’t need to wait for film prints or worry about lost information due to poor handling or transportation. The enhanced image quality of digital x-rays also allows us to zoom in on details that may otherwise have gone unnoticed with traditional film radiography.

When you come into the office for a dental x-ray appointment at Spiritwood Dental Clinic, we will first take time to discuss your medical history and any signs or symptoms you may be experiencing before proceeding with the examination itself. We will then take a series of small radiographs (x-rays) from various angles around your mouth in order to get a full view of all the structures within it. Once these images are ready for viewing, our team will review them together with you so that we can determine an appropriate treatment plan going forward based on what we see in the images as well as your medical history and concerns/goals discussed at our initial consultation meeting.

What Set us Apart?

At Spiritwood Dental Clinic, patient safety is always our top priority when it comes to administering dental care services like dental X-Rays,. Our clinic follows strict protocols when it comes radiation safety -all equipment is regularly tested and maintained by certified technicians; staff members wear protective eyewear; lead aprons are used when necessary; doses of radiation are carefully monitored; and patients’ exposure is minimized through advanced technology such as digital imaging systems which require lower levels of radiation compared to traditional film radiographs.. With our comprehensive protocols in place and specialists on hand who understand how best apply them ,we ensure that every patient who visits us gets only the safest possible treatment while still obtaining accurate diagnostic results from their X rays.

Overall ,spiritwood Dental Clinic provides an excellent experience for those seeking out quality care when it comes getting X Rays done for their teeth . We employ only highly trained personnel who stay up -to -date on all relevant advances in dentistry technology , ensuring that our patients get only the highest quality treatment available . So no matter what type of condition you’re facing ,you can trust spiritwood Dental Clinic with providing exceptional care every single time .

Get the smile you've always wanted!

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.